Hey Family and friends! This last week was just hard haha. It was a
good type of hard though and very rewarding. Elder Loitz and I
(commonly known as the dream team) basically worked ourselves into the
ground and at the end of the week I couldn't even keep my eyes open
ahaha. We came home late almost every day this week because of
appointments and work. And for some reason, I haven't been able to sleep
super well lately. I wake up a lot at night. So I was running on low
battery like every day. But we did work
and saw a lot of miracles because of our efforts.
Montag: Monday
was just great. We went bowling with the district and visited a really
big and famous church in Hamburg called St. Michaelis.
St. Michaelis Church |
It was HUGE and
like super old-school creepy style. #apostasy. It was good to
spend time with the district and get to know them better and just enjoy
the p-day. That night we did some work. We went by on Frau S.
because we hadn't seen her in a really long time. She was home so we
just kind of talked about her week and about meeting again. She is so
nice and really likes missionaries and the church. The church plays such
a big role in her life already. Like all her remaining family are
members. We're going to be making some invitations soon!
Dienstag: Tuesday was a long day. We left early in the morning to go to an appointment (early is 10:30
haha). We went all the way out to this ladies house and there was just
no way to contact her. The telephone number she gave us didn't work and
there were so many names on the klingal that there was just no way! So
we just doored the place instead. But nobody was home haha so we're
going back later. We decided to mob some lunch at this Asian place
called Thai foo. It was pretty good. But the Thai foo hurt our stomachs.
We did some more doors in that area and then had an appointment with
R B. We found her in the area book and we had a really solid
first lesson with her. She was really listening and super attentive. But
she wants to meet every 2 weeks......that's not enough!
We have to tell her that next time. That night we had a bomb appointment
with Bruder D, the recently baptized member here. He loves American
football and I love him haha. We talked about missionary work. Because
we love missionary work.
Mittwoch: Wednesday
was district meeting in Lübeck. It went well and we got to do some
sweet role plays and improve our teaching skills. Go team. We celebrated
our county's independence by eating KFC. Good stuff haha. We then went
to Bad Oldesloe, a city in our area. It felt like we walked about
forever haha. And it was really really warm. We went by on some old
investigators, found out some didn't live there, and talked to one lady
on the street who took a Book of Mormon and wants to meet with us!
Success in Bad O. We then came back to Ahrensburg and ate ice cream and
met with Frau S. We really just had a good talk. After that, on
the way home, we met another man who made out an app with us. Then we
went to Berne and had a 'walk in' eating appointment with the R's.
They're a family in the ward. The man is from Bolivia and she is
German. Their kids all speak German, English and Spanish haha intense.
And we just wanted to stop by but they fed us, too. It was cool.
Donnerstag: America day. It was wonderful. We did a lot
of work. We doored a lot and had a great appointment at night with
H. We made Hotdogs (Kind of) with him and talked about faith.
Freitag: Friday was weekly planning, doors, and gemiko.
Samstag: Saturday
was great. We played soccer in the morning with the ward. We wrecked.
The American missionaries are surprising everybody. After that, we got
ready and got on a train to Hamburg/Kiel. We had district leader
schooling in Kiel so that took the rest of the day. It was pretty fun.
Sonntag: Sunday
was wonderful. We got to church super early because we thought ward
council was happening....not haha. So we just kind of chilled and church
was great. Frau S came and was in sacrament meeting and the
investigator class. Bruder Z did an excellent job teaching it. And
after we had a good elders quorum class. We ate at the N's house
the afternoon, which was wonderful. They made really good chilli. We
talked about the contacts that he wants us to go by on, too.
That was the week! It was a lot of work. A lot of
dooring and talking to people on the street. And a lot of planning.
We're doing well though.
I started reading the new testament in German. I love the scriptures. Every time you pick the
book up, ´what it tells you means something different. It's non-stop and
current, up-to-date, personal revelation for everybody. I find that
pretty sweet.
Well I hope you all have a great great week. I love you all!
Elder Pollard