Monday, September 16, 2013

Week Eighty-six (16.5 weeks/115 days left...)


This last week was just fantastic. Elder Donner and I were able to do a lot of work and we didn't go insane. That's always a goal on the mission. We saw some crazy cool miracles this week, too and got to meet some amazing people that we want to help. I love missionary work, because it's so easy to develop a love for these people. It's obviously what we should be doing (how do you help people that you don't like), but it's just so cool when you leave an appointment on some spiritual high thinking, 'I can really help these people. And I want to.' I felt that a lot this last week.

Elder Donner and I are scraping the floor to find change haha we have NO money. We are 'whitewashing' this area, which means we both come in at the same time and the old Elders leave. So that's expensive to buy all new food and stuff. The apartment wasn't in the best shape when we got here....a lot of cleaning. But our apartment is now pretty clean and we've arranged everything the way we want to.

Our last week was like:

Montag: Monday was good. We went shopping, got some new Turkish haircuts (great looking) and did P-Day stuff. We went to Family Home Evening with the M's and a couple members, which was also good. After that we did a couple more hours of work, but didn't contact anybody that we had planned to. Too bad. #turkishswag
a new haircut...
Dienstag: Tuesday was slower. We only had one appointment go through. That was with Sister S. We're working with her to keep her active because she JUST came back to church. She's super nice and I think she likes us. She's been a member for like 15 years I think but only recently came back. She actually remembers me from a year ago haha Elder Huber and I went by at least once...other than that the day was slower. A lot of talking to people. We made cookies for the M's though and we gave them to them. That was good. #doagoodturndaily

Mittwoch: Wednesday was our miracle day!!! We had district meeting in the morning, which was cool...kind of boring actually. Elder Donner and I were both released from District Leaderness so we just kind of go and hang out now haha. We're the oldest in our district by a long time haha. The day was alright, just trying to contact some older investigators and referrals. Nothing really. But at night, Elder Montgomery drove us to Rehau to go have an appointment that fell out. Good thing we made back up plans and stopped by on a family that the older missionaries said that we'd be good to go by on. Turns out...they have 8 kids! Wow haha that was overwhelming. And they totally listened to us which was cool. The parents and all the kids. They're actually from Romania! And they had lived in Switzerland for a couple of years. They learned German there and met with the missionaries and went to church there. They didn't know how to contact the church in Germany, so they said they were super happy when we came by. We taught them a get to know you lesson and said we want to teach more! We're meeting like 2 times a week now. It'll be hard to get them to church because they don't actually live in Hof. But it'll happen. I like love this family so much and all their kids are so cool. It's the best. #wearefamily

Donnerstag: Thursday was also slower. We found out that our DVD player is broken....that's fun haha. We kind of went insane on Thursday. If I remember correctly. Just trying to fix the DVD player and stressing about stuff. We ended up going by on an investigator who has no phone number, only an address. We walked like 45 minutes uphill to get to him haha it was the worst. And he wasn't even home! We had to talk to his mom. Hopefully he'll call soon. I don't want to walk out there again for nothing.#iwouldn'twalk500miles

Freitag: Friday was planning day. Always solid. We actually had a really good planning session and got a lot taken care of with the time. We ate Mai Tahn Lang, the Asian restaurant across the street from our apartment. It was good to be back haha. We were supposed to have an app with the really cool guy we found last week, but it fell out. He was nowhere to be found. Didn't answer his phone either. I don't like that haha it's so frustrating. We ended up going to Schwester E's house and eating left-over chili from when she fed the senior couple. We taught a good lesson about Jonah and running away from the Lord. Don't do it. #gottaplan

Samstag: Saturday was super legit! We started the day with service! An American family in Rehau (the little city outside of Hof) invited us over and asked that we helped in the yard. They're from Virginia. We pulled weeds and chopped down bushes and shredded stuff for like 3 hours. Then he fed us some really good vegetarian stuff and rewarded us with two huge bags of Reese's. Not too interested in the church, but service opens the heart. Then we went back to Hof and got changed. We met with Schwester S's son, and we're going to help him stop smoking. That will be interesting. That night was the best! We called G, a guy from Africa, and met him in Innenstadt and taught a lesson and he agreed to meet again. I love me Africans!

Sonntag: Sunday was also great! We had church, only 15 members there. Sad, but good. We ate with the Merkels after, which was SO good. Shcwester M made some legit gourmet spaghetti. After that, we drove with the Montgomery's out to Rehau and met with the S's, the Romanian family. We taught for like an hour and finished talking about Joseph Smith. The father and oldest son have some concerns, but nothing huge. They're the best. After that, we met with Schwester L. She was super cool too! And way nice. She needs a lot of help from the branch and from us. Just spiritually. We're going to meet weekly and it'll be wonderful. I'm glad I met her. After that, we came home, went by on contacts and went door to door. And made pancakes. #keepthesabbathday


And now it's Monday. We finally got our water heater fixed. We were taking freezing cold showers, which was NOT fun. But the nice man came in this morning and hit our heater with a hammer until it worked again. Blessings. 

Mumsy! I am in the same apartment with the same DDR fryer haha. We're going to use it this week actually. And I love the cookies and cream chocolate bars from Ritter. That's dirt cheap in Germany haha I eat way too much chocolate. It sounds like everything is going well with the family! I'm jealous that you ate bagels. No bagels in Germany. Lachs is a German word though. It means salmon. Bagels and Lachs sounds legit.

Well I was reading the Jonah story this last week and it was really interesting how Jonah, being a prophet, still made mistakes. We all do! It's unavoidable. Good this we have the atonement. Life would suck without it.

I love you all so much!
Have a good week!

Elder Pollard


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